Why You Should Never Skip This Before Exercise

1. Story Time: Warming Up Your Mind and Body

I used to think a warmup was just about loosening up or avoiding injuries.

But I’ve learned that a good warmup does way more than that.

And here’s the best part: warming up doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

I’ve even put together a simple follow-along warmup routine that you can try, which I’ll share further down in this email.

It’s not just your body that gets ready, it’s your brain too.

When you go from sitting all day to suddenly working out, your muscles aren’t fully prepared to respond.

That’s because your brain is in charge of telling your muscles what to do and when to do it.

If that connection hasn’t been activated yet, your movements might feel off, uncoordinated, or even unsafe.

A proper warmup “turns on” your brain’s motor control system, so it can smoothly communicate with your muscles.

Think of it like starting a car on a cold morning.

If you let it warm up first, everything runs better. But if you skip that step and go full throttle right away, you’re asking for trouble.

That’s why I never skip a warmup anymore, especially as I get older. It’s not just about avoiding injury, it’s about making sure my brain and body are working as a team.

2. Watch This: A Follow-Along Warmup Routine

If you’re ready to warm up your body and your mind, I’ve got you covered.

Check out this dynamic warmup routine on YouTube.

👉 Watch the Warmup Video Here

This routine is quick, effective, and designed to get your brain and muscles working together, so you can move better and feel better.

3. Micro-Insight: Why Warmups Work

Here’s why a warmup isn’t just optional, it’s essential:

  • Activates motor control: Your brain gets the signal to “wake up” your muscles, improving coordination and reducing the chance of injury.
  • Increases blood flow: Warmups boost circulation to your muscles, making them more elastic and ready to move.
  • Prepares joints: Warmups improve lubrication in your joints, which makes movement smoother and reduces stiffness.
  • Mental focus: A good warmup transitions your brain from “rest mode” to “action mode,” helping you focus and get into the right mindset for movement.

Skipping it is like skipping a systems check before takeoff, you might get lucky, but you’re taking an unnecessary risk.

4. Weekly Mantra: Prep Your Brain, Move With Confidence

A warmup isn’t just about moving your body.

It’s about waking up your brain and muscles, so they can work together smoothly and safely.

PS: Looking to stretch and feel better overall?

Check out my latest follow-along stretching routine on YouTube. It’s a simple, effective way to reset your body and improve your mobility.

👉 Watch the Stretching Routine Here

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